Environmental Management
The program reviews all Environmental Impact Assessment (EIAs) of the project areas and evaluates project activities for an future adverse effects that may arise during design, pre-construction, construction and operation phase to ensure implementation of the project activities in a social acceptable and environmentally.
This program also alerts the management for any environmental challenges during project implementation including short and long term effects. The major scopes and objectives of this program is to:
- Support the Social Upliftment Program (SUP) and Helmo Sindhu Melamchi Valley Social Upliftment Program Implementation Committee (HSMVSUPIC) to carry out environment monitoring and environmental management, if any, under the SUP.
- Report to Safe Guard Unit (SUG) chief and the MWSDB on the level of compliance with subproject-wide EMPs for subproject infrastructure works, and supplement the regular supervision by MWSDB, the panel of experts, and the funding agencies.
- Through field visits, discussions with the stakeholders, monitoring activities within HSMVSUPIC, training feedback, and communication with MWSDB, recommend other possible environmental enhancements for the subproject.
- Train and assist the MWSDB safeguard unit to ensure that the subproject is executed in an environment friendly and adheres to the EMP.
- Prepare a monthly, quarterly and annual progress report with a summary of periodic and cumulative figures and data.
- Undertake research and produce report on the impact of EMP activities on Melamchi valley and beyond.
- Conduct third party monitoring of the activities as stipulated in the EMP for the environmental protection/mitigation activities provided for implementation by other agencies (contractors, CBO, User’s Group, and other local agencies).
- Continue the environmental activities currently being carried out by EMP consultant such as, measuring of noise pollution, dust pollution, fish specimen monitoring, river discharge measurement and other laboratory works.